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Laravel v5.4.29 is Released with Two New Blade Directives on 19th July

Laravel V5.4.29 is now released and available. This is a maintenance release but it includes two new Blade Directives, a --force option on some of the “make” commands, and more.

New @auth and @guest Directives

The @auth directive allows you to simplify the check to see if a user is logged in. For example, in the past you might use:
   You are logged in.
Now with the @auth directive, this can be simplified to:
   You are logged in.
It also supports the Guard to use as the first parameter:
    You are logged in through admin guard
The other new directive is @guest which is the inverse:
   Welcome Guest

v5.4.29 Complete Changelog


  • Added ManagesFrequencies::twiceMonthly() method (#19874)
  • Added RouteCollection::getRoutesByName() method (#19901)
  • Added $expiresAt parameter to CallbackEvent::withoutOverlapping()(#19861)
  • Support keeping old files when testing uploads (#19859)
  • Added --force option to make:mailmake:model and make:notification(#19932)
  • Added support for PostgreSQL deletes with USES clauses (#20062f94fc02)
  • Added support for CC and BBC on mail notifications (#20093)
  • Added Blade @auth and @guest directive (#20087#20114)
  • Added option to configure MARS on SqlServer connections (#20113c2c917c)


  • Support object items in Arr::pluck() (#19838#19845)
  • MessageBag interface now extends Arrayable (#19849)
  • Made Blueprint macroable (#19862)
  • Improved performance for Arr::crossJoin() (#19864)
  • Use the correct User model namespace for new policies (#19965a7094c2)
  • Consider scheduled event timezone in inTimeInterval() (#19959)
  • Render exception if handler can’t report it (#19977)
  • Made MakesHttpRequests::withServerVariables() public (#20086)
  • Invalidate session instead of regenerating it when logging out (#20107)
  • Improved InvalidPayloadException error message (#20143)


  • Don’t re-escape a View instance passed as the default value to @yield or @sectiondirectives (#19884)
  • Make sure migration file is loaded before trying to rollback (#19922)
  • Fixed caching issue in mix() (#19968)
  • Signal alarm after timeout passes (#19978)


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